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  • Why handmade watercolours?
    Handmade watercolours are free of harsh chemicals and preservatives. The organic ingredients and time spent mulling them, gives them a super smooth texture unlike mass-made commercial paints.
  • Why are handmade watercolours more expensive than commercially available paints?
    You are basically paying for the quality, the maker's meticulous selection of raw material, and the bespoke value each colour has.
  • Why are some watercolours gooey, toffee-like and not very dry?"
    Handmade watercolours (or any good quality watercolours) are rarely very dry. And, if they're honey-based (true for super smooth colours), all the more chances they'll be moist and gooey. Do not worry. After you have unwrapped them, leave them to dry in a sunny spot. They should be fine.
  • What is the shelf life of handmade watercolours?
    You may use them as much as you wish to, or store them in a dry place. Rarely, if the weather is very humid, you may see them get "moldy". Do not panic. Clean the surface with a wet brush and air dry them.
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